08 November 2017 | Leisure
Librairie Galerie Louis Rozen
"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." Wayne Dyer

I love this place.
This boutique is run by one guy. It is full of old stuffs and very specialized works specialized in … nothing.
You can read the sign on the window: “Books, images & curiosities”. Well, this bookshop escapes by all definition!
Well, it is not really specialized in nothing: we can say that it is really specialized in “Old books” and vintage posters (in the very broad sense of the term). There are also a lot of different objects there : you will be amazed. Indeed, this place offers as much to see as to read. I have never seen a place like this one in Paris or abroad (except maybe an old store at Montreal, but it is a different story) !
There, you will find Russian books for Children of the early twentieth century, or a book of the previous century on medicinal plants of Mexico, or the official 1938 guide of the New York Zoo. Near those, there are old bottles containing pharmacopeia. And besides, a Remington typewriter, portable model of 1917 (!!!). And what I like (and I bought one !) are the posters and flyers from San Fransisco dating back the sixties. Original ones.

And the stocks are always renewed! But the state of mind does not fluctuate: illustration, graphics, classicism too. And there is audacity there (Buffon cohabits with The Beatles for example). There, you will find unique pieces with gold prices but also affordable favorites and a wide intermediate range to please everyone! Check also its Facebook or Instagram, the guy is amazing ?