The most renowned French luxury chain all over the world! It borrows its name from Général Lafayette, a French general who helped the American people to get their independence from the British government in the 1770s !
The building was founded in the 1890s, and it was only a very small store. It is funny to know this now that there are Galeries Lafayette in all the most important cities of the world, and that just the one located here, on Boulevard Haussmann is now around 70 000 square meters! 🙂
全世界最着名的法国奢侈品连锁店! 它借鉴了法国将军拉斐特(Général Lafayette)的名字,他帮助美国人民在十七世纪七十年代独立于英国政府!
该建筑始建于19世纪90年代,它只是一个非常小的商店。 现在知道这一点很有趣,在世界上所有最重要的城市都有老佛爷百货公司,只有位于奥斯曼大道上的那一家现在有7万平方米!:)

It’s quite the same concept than the Printemps, which is really nearby. Most of the luxury brands have a place in this store, and you can find any of the finest fashion products you might be looking for: Armani, Chopard, Channel, Dior, Ralph Lauren, Guerlain 🙂
So just feel free to hang around here, and you might find much more than what you expected: leather goods, perfumes, shoes, lingerie, jewelries, suits, and so much more! More than just a shopping mall, the Galeries Lafayette is an actual Parisian experience that you won’t regret !
There are 3 different buildings: one is allocated to household appliances (sheets, decoration, etc) AND gastronomic food (Pierre Hermé, La Durée, etc), another one to fashion for men, and the third one (with 7 floors and the cupola) is more women-oriented. (go there when it’s less crowded: at the opening time, or after 7pm )
这与巴黎春天的概念完全相同,这两所店也互相非常接近。 大多数奢侈品牌在这家商店中都有一席之地,你可以找到任何最好的时尚产品:阿玛尼,萧邦,海峡,迪奥,拉尔夫劳伦,娇兰:)
所以,随意在这里闲逛,你可能会发现比预期更多的东西:皮革制品,香水,鞋子,内衣,珠宝,西装等等! 老佛爷百货公司不仅仅是一个购物中心,更是一种真实的巴黎体验,你不会后悔的!
有三种不同的建筑物:一种分配给家用电器(床单,装饰等)和美食(Pierre Hermé,Ladurée),另一种为男士时尚,第三种(7层楼和圆屋顶 )更加为女性化。 (趁不太拥挤的时候去逛:在开店时间或晚上7点后)

And one last thing, you can book a tour of the Galleries Lafayette by clicking “here”!