“We prefer short circuits and clean agriculture.
Our wines are chemical-free and our kitchen without artifice.
Quality and simplicity are esential for us.
The products are all handmade, organic and beyond …
No meat sous-vide, no surmanipulation,
only the “right” technic ….”
This is the motto of the one-star restaurant Le Saturne.
In an ideal location (near the palais Brogniart, which used to be the house of the paris stock exchange), this restaurant offers a really interesting menue to its hosts.

In fact, this menu transforms you. As the plates and menus go in and out your table by a really well educated personnel, you feel different.
Because all you eat there is pretty different from what you know.
Yes, it is a chicken ! but with flowers (yes, real flowers ? and yes, it is preetty good), a duck sauce and a mix of vegetables marinated in oil.
It is not too heavy, not too light : the chef manages really well the portion of each plate to leave you with an excellent memory of your meal that lasts for a really long time.
Actually, I do not know where the chef learned it, but it is really awesome and its restaurant (approximately 50 tables) is booked every single night.
And I have heard that the lunch is pretty good too ! Please comment this article if you went there for a Lunch !
The price ?
45€ for the 3 meal menu or 75€ for the 5 meal menu (the “carte blanche menu”) at Lunch.
75€ or 140€ for the carte blanch menu at Dinner, (the most expensive is wine included).