The Jardin des Plantes needs to be seen once (at least) in a lifetime.
You will find numerous buildings in the Garden (all classified as Monuments Historiques) : the Gallery of Geology and Mineralogy, the Great Evolution Gallery, the Great Greenhouses …
The squares of perspective, that offer an impregnable view on the Great Gallery of Evolution, is a colorful and changing spectacle, punctuated by successive flowering, from spring to late autumn.
The garden of the School of Botany, meanwhile, associates walk in the vegetation of temperate regions and teaching. The diversified selection highlights, by its disposition, the link between the evolutionary history of plants and their classification. This intimate and charming space is home to more than 2,000 mountain plant species. It also hosts a prestigious guest: the pistachio, one of the eldest trees in the Jardin des Plantes.

A notice to flower lovers: you might not get out of the following spaces! The romantic-inspired rose garden offers a voluptuous walk between the branches of 390 botanical species, often with single flowers, and more sophisticated flower varieties from man-made crosses. The garden of irises and perennials, reminiscent of the Dutch style, offers a calm and pleasant atmosphere. Finally, in the kingdom of the peonies, this plant flourishes along rocks-lined alleys, which in themselves sum up the geological diversity of the Earth.
If you have arrived so far, many curiosities still remain to be discovered … In the ecological garden, for example, an enclave of preserved nature representative of the Basin of Paris. Be careful, you can only enter during guided tours.
And if you are rather greedy knowledge, you’d rather to to the Vegetable Garden, to discover the secrets of fruits, vegetables or aromatic plants. Finally, adventurers can tackle the labyrinth. With a reward, at the top, Buffon’s gazebo, one of the oldest metal constructions in the world.
And please, have a look at The Cedar of Lebanon planted in 1734. Because it is very verrryyy old