Have you ever held a real gun? Shoot with it? Well, if you’re looking for something completely different, you can spend a 3-hours time shooting with Magnum, Rifle or 9mm pistols :).
Don’t be scared, it is actually very fun and relaxing!
You will first get a 30min briefing where they will explain you all the safety rules and the do’s and don’ts. Then you will shoot during 2 or 3 hours depending on the pack you choose, with different guns.
It is heavily noisy so you will wear an audio casque. Ammunitions are about 5 to 10 per guns. The instructor passes in the group and gives you some tips on how to carry your gun, reload and aim correctly etc…
And obviously, he is also making sure everyone is safe 🙂
Group size varies from 5 to 15 people depending on the time. It’s quite small which allows having personal feedbacks and advice.
When we tried with Guillaume we loved it !
1 downside though : the price! Obviously it is quite expensive. The first offer starts at 130€ per person. But if you want the bigger guns, it can go up to 250 or 300€.
But if you have the money and the time, and you feel up to try something fun and different, try it ! One thing for sure: you will not find any other tourist there 🙂