11 January 2018 | Top
These 10 things might make you hate Paris
The purpose of our media is to make you guys feel like Parisians. But at the same time, we don't want to lie to you! We definitely know that some of you might be disappointed. So we try to understand why through this top!
Well, that’s a tricky debate. We understand that Parisians are not always the most smiling and happiest people on Earth. But once you get to know some of them, you’ll forget all the clichés you heard before.
The crowds
Paris is one of the most touristic cities of the world. So obviously, if you go to the Louvres or the Eiffel Tower at 2PM, it will be overcrowded. So prefer opening and closing hours, or other more genuine experiences in Paris! Otherwise, you’ll have to be very patient

The metro
Well, like in any other metropole, if you take the metro at 9AM and 6PM, it will be overcrowded, and you’ll be stuck with people. The other things you need to be aware of is that sometimes, it smells bad! But it’s still the cheapest and most useful transport in Paris!
Opening and closing hours
France is a country where the relation to work and working hours is closely linked to History, and very important in French people minds. That’s why every shop has different opening and closing hours! So you might as well check the schedules before heading to a place!
French language
As we all know, French is a Latin language, but it is much more complicated than Spanish or Italian, especially because of the pronunciation of words, and the grammar!
But if you want to enter the French culture very quickly, here is a very useful top top about French insults !

French bureaucracy
Bureaucracy is a mess in France. Whether it is about public health, schools, universities, or whatever. You must remain patient, have self-control and not cry by all means. We know it’s difficult… But be brave!
Life is expensive
Yes, everything is expensive in Paris, it’s true. But it’s even more expensive in the touristic places. So if you don’t want to receive a call from your banker, have lunch and buy items in less touristic areas of Paris. For instance, don’t eat in the Tuileries Gardens, or in Saint Germain des Prés area !
The traffic
Visiting Paris with a car might be the worst idea. Even though the métro is crowded and stinks, at least it works! You won’t get stuck in the very frequent traffic jams, and also it is more economically
English? NON!
French people are not very good at speaking English. Once again, that’s a cliché, which is partly true and most of the time exaggerated. Especially in Paris, which is as London or New York full of people with different origins so English is necessary.
Renting an apartment is a hell
If by any chance you come to live in Paris for more than 3 weeks, then you want to rent an apartment. And here starts the highway to hell… Most of the supply is very small, very expensive or very far away from the centre, or even the three at the same time !
We hope you guys will still enjoy Paris after this article, because it possesses a lot of funny sides as well! 😉