If you are looking for a place to taste good cocktails with incredible burgers in a Dinner,’style made by french people, this is the place in paris to go.
You are not in McDonalds here : everyone is casual well dresed and the “gratin parisien” come here during week end to enjoy the area.
Yes, french loves chic. And it is especially true in this restaurant. Chic and loudy. Indeed, you are here to relax before going out.
The atmosphere is vibrant and the lights are subdued. Plus, the place is like a metalic van on the outside and a fine Dinner, on the inside. It looks like the movie Grease revisited nowadays. Full hd version i can asure you. And with a terrace !
What will you enjoy ? Great burgers and cocktails of course. But you can only have one if you prefer !

As it was a real breakout in the area of Pigalle full of Nightclubs and “bar à putes” (translated in “prostitutes bar” : we let you discover ? ), an annex of the restaurant opened 1 year ago just in front of it. It is cheaper and also a great treat for your appetite and your brain (ndlr alcohol)
And i do not understand why it is so badly noted on tripadvisor or timeout : come on guys, what are you looking at ?? The place needs a try !
Finally, you need to remember that french people are always looking and comparing with each other. So be prepared XoXo
Oh ! and i forgot to say that you can eat late !