Not very known, this small museum has a lot of charm !
Located in the 7th arrondissement near the Invalides, in the Hotel Biron, the “Musée Rodin” is dedicated to the work of Auguste Rodin, a famous sculptor from the 19th century. The project was actually initiated by the sculptor itself right before his death, to be able to show his art to the world
So you will see a large part of his work: sculptures mainly (in bronze or marble), and especially the famous Thinker, but also paintings, engravings, and even photographs.
There are also pieces from some of his apprentices, like Camille Claudel, displayed in the museum, along with objects from Auguste Rodin’s personal collection (Monet, Renoir…)

But actually the main thing we love about the museum is its garden !
A beautiful, intimate garden decorated with sculptures and engravings. You can relax, have a walk even at lunch, there. A perfect spot for a romantic promenade :).
When the sun shines, many couples come and have a nice afternoon, in this place, admiring the sculptures while sunbathing at the same time.
While Spring and Summer are obviously the best seasons to go there, the garden also has a lot of charm in Autumn with its orange leafs.
Have a try 🙂 !