Before entering the museum, you will have the honor to pass by the yard observing this French architecture that we love so much. Indeed it is a plain yard with a hint of greenery and the grass and the bushes are neatly trimmed. If it is a sunny day and you feel like resting before visiting the museum, you have a garden behind the edifice.
Once you get around it, you are face to face with a small fountain and banks. You can sit and listen to the sound of the water flowing slowly before the few flowers matching up the relaxing atmosphere;)
Now let’s focus on the museum, you are at the core of the Marais and the Archives Nationales are set into the former Hotel de Soubise. A hotel that looks like a small castle. If we set aside the files and put a quick highlight on the inside: period furniture, sculptures and gilding in the salon oval… In one word: an astonishing and well-preserved interior.
When the setting will catch your attention, you will be ready to discover the most renowned and notorious files hidden in that place. For example the last letter written by Marie-Antoinette or the Edict of Nantes are being presented; but also the constitutions of the french Republic, Louis XIV’s will. You have different period of time, that is to say you will find some objects and posters dating back to the second world war but also files from the middle age. These files or items are sort of “living memories” that are loaded with emotions and it makes the visit more attractive!
It is not to late to re-learn History in a pleasant Museum;)