23 November 2017 | Cultural
Catacombes de Paris
One of best paris historical sites harbor as the voyage to the dead zone

Are you ready to enter the kingdom of dead people? This might be the most atypic tour you can do while visiting Paris. You are going to take a deep breath, get down the 130 steps and go meet skeletons and skulls. The tour lasts more or less 45 minutes, and you’ll be walking around 1.5 km underground, where no one can hear you scream…
I can tell you it’s very peculiar, and not suitable for everyone: there are many stairs, it is cold down there, so people with respiratory or cardiac problems should avoid it. But you can believe me, for those who are brave enough it’s really worth it and you’ll get out of it with very strange sensations.

Once you’ve reached the little green door, you’ll learn that the catacombs were created in the 1780s, and people started to visit it as soon as from the 1810s, so it’s not only one of the creepiest touristic places of Paris, but also one of the oldest.
The cemetery nearby was used during more than 7 centuries, so it was full of infections, that’s why Parisian authorities decided to move those skeletons underground on this ossuary! The story behind those skulls is really interesting! 🙂
And oh, one last advice: it may seem obvious, but catacombs may hurt the sensibility of kids, so you just need to be aware of that !