An unusual thing to do in Paris would be to visit this place. Romantics and Goths alike already know all the secrets of this cemetery. Commonly called “Le Père Lachaise”, this cemetery is famous for its glorious inhabitants-even if they are all dead 🙂 and also because it is one of the largest green space in the French capital.
Why would you want to visit a cemetery while staying in Paris? The answer is simple: because this cemetery is like no other ones. It is probably the most famous necropolis in the world and it is visited each year by more than 3 million people.

Molière, Balzac, La Fontaine, Oscar Wilde but also Chopin or Colette are all among the happy few inhabiting the cemetery: great men and women resting in peace since 1804. 🙂 The most visited tomb though is the Jim Morrisson’s one. Good luck trying to find it! 🙂
However, the Père Lachaise Cemetery is also a very romantic place peopled with majestic tombstones, antic mausoleums and marble statues of the deceased. 70 000 concessions and 43 hectares of land are making this cemetery a real maze made of tombs and centenaries trees.
So don’t get spooked by the idea of strolling in its beautiful paths, the Père Lachaise Cemetery is really worth the look. 🙂